At Loyola Marymount University, it is far too easy to find yourself out of food and out of money. If you can’t shell out $2,700 a semester for a meal plan or can’t stretch the $25 a day that the most expensive meal plan offers, you could always get a job on campus and pay for meals out of pocket.
If you can’t survive on a $16.04 minimum wage, which is less than a burger, fries and a drink at Iggy’s, you could try eating off campus or cooking.
If you can’t afford $6/gallon for gas and a cart of groceries, or you don’t have any cookware in your dorm room, you could always sit down for a long night of paperwork and try to convince the state government that you’re poor enough for food stamps.
If after a long night of studying, you’re hungry and broke, and you need some dinner and some peace of mind right now — you could always go to the LMU Food Pantry, open 24 hours a day. However, you’ll be completely out of luck unless you feel like eating some Spam, a dry packet of oatmeal and some candy…continue reading here.